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Our History
In the early to middle 1800's, a small group of settlers from the Carolinas founded a community in some of the most beautiful land in West Tennessee. They named it Bible Grove and they wanted it to be just that, a place where people would gather and grow together (grove) around the Word of God. Beginning in the 1940's, the community was systematically disbanded as a result of President Roosevelt's "New Deal." Most of the families in Bible Grove were moved out and their land was taken to make way for the new state park. Our ancestors were among those forced to give up their land. Today, our family has returned to the lost community of Bible Grove and we are committed to seeing those early settlers dreams come back to life. We founded The Farm at Bible Grove to create a place where Christians can again gather and grow around God's Word.
~The Inmans

The Full Story
Scates family history: Coming soon.
Lewis family history: Coming Soon.
Bible Grove community history: Coming soon.